

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Differential Diagnosis of Hyperplastic Polyp and Adenomatous Polyp of the Colon by Dyeing Method H. Suzuki 1 1Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College pp.1251-1257
Published Date 1975/9/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403112321
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 Difficulty is believed to arise in the diagnosis of mucosal protrusion of the colon less than 5 mm in greatest diameter when one tries to differentiate between hyperplastic polyp of the colon and its adenomatous polyp. After staining the resected colons fixed in 10 per cent formalin solution and observing 277 small protrusions therein with stereoscopic microscope, we obtained results that enabled us to differentiate them. This is done by observing the degree of dyeing of goblet cells distributed around the mouths of the crypt stained by Alcian blue (A method) and by the forms and patterns of the distribution of the crypt mouths stained by Carazzi's hema-toxylin (H method).

 Mucosal protrucsion of the colon is classified into two types by A method. Type Ⅰ protrusion (hyperplastic protrusion) (242 specimens, 87.4 per cent) stains deeper in blue than the normal mucosa. The mouth of the crypt is dilated but has a similarity and its distribution is regular. Sometimes papillary infolding is recognized in the mouth. Type Ⅱ protrusion (adenomatous polyp) (35 specimens, 12.6 per cent) stains less blue than the normal mucosa and it has a brownish tinge. The crypt mouth is dilated and its approximation is in disorder. Its distribution is also not regular.

 The nuclei of the tubular epithelia stain blue, enabling one to observe forms and distribution of the crypt mouths more easily. We were able tp classify the forms of the crypt mouths into fourty pes: simple type (120 specimens, 43.3%); papillary type (122 specimens, 44%); tubular type (32 specimens, 11.6%) and sulcated type (3, 1.1%).

 (1) The simple type shows round crypt mouth, representing simple enlargement of the normal mucosa even histologicall. (2) In the papillary type the mouth is seen as stallate lumen due to papillary infolding of the mouths. Their regular distribution is relatively well retained. Histologically it is typical hyperplastic polyp. (3) In tubular type the crypt mouths vary in shape from round to oblong, dissimilar from one another. They are irregularly distributed. Histologically it represents tubular adenoma. (4) In sulcated type the mouth of the crypt is indistinct, sometimes looking like a groove and sometimes like a convolution of the brain. Histology shows it papillary adenoma.

Copyright © 1975, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


