

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


A Study of False-Negative Cases in Mass Survey for Gastric Lesions: With special reference to five years' results in a model district S. Fukumoto 1 , H. Tanaka 1 12 nd Dept. of Internal Medicine, Tottori University pp.95-101
Published Date 1978/1/25
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1403107198
  • Abstract
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 Five years' results in the mass survey between 1972 and 1976 in a remote island selected as a model district were reviewed and false-negative cases were investigated.

 The population of the district totaled approximately 20,000 and the over-all number of people received examination during the period of five years was 7,672. Close examination was necessary in the ratio of 27.9 per cent which appeared to be relatively high. The real number of the close examination received was 1,640 (76.0 per cent).

 False-negative cases were composed of one advanced cancer and three early cancers. Two of the latter were detected by the examination in the following year. The remaining one was proved by medical reports from the district. Gastric cancers detected in this survey were seven early and nine advanced ones, and the ratio of false-negative cases was 20 per cent. Advanced cancers in these twenty cases were detected by only once examination except for an occasion. Early gastric cancer, on the other hand, was mostly found by year after year examinations. In the interpretation of indirect X-ray films, nine cases of advanced cancer were found by abnormal findings consistent with those at the location of cancer. One false-negative case was due to misinterpretation of films.

 On the contrary, one out of seven early cancers was due to misreading of the location of cancer, and abnormal findings in the remaining six cases were possible to point out in the review of films. In two of three false-negative cases of which lesions were found in the following survey, it was impossible to point out abnormalities even in the review of films at the previous mass survey.

 In conclusion, false-negative cases were due to misinterpretation of films or due to a limitation in the reading of indirect X-ray films. That is, year after year examinations are necessary in order to detect early gastric cancer even in mass survey.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1219 印刷版ISSN 0536-2180 医学書院


