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A case of choroidal hemorrhage after YAG laser anterior vitreous membrane incision for malignant glaucoma Kazuki Imai 1 , Yukihisa Takada 1 , Takayoshi Sumioka 1 , Shizuya Saika 1 1Department of Ophthalmology, Wakayama Medical University pp.592-597
Published Date 2024/5/15
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1410215170
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Abstract Purpose:We report a case of choroidal hemorrhage that occurred on the day following malignant glaucoma laser treatment.

Case:A 53-year-old female with lupus nephritis due to systemic lupus erythematosus, receiving hemodialysis. In November 2021(day X−3), she underwent trabeculectomy for steroid-induced glaucoma in her right eye at a local ophthalmology clinic. On day X, she presented to Wakayama Medical University Hospital's emergency department during the night with complaints of right eye pain and decreased vision. Examination revealed a shallow anterior chamber and elevated intraocular pressure(IOP)of 68 mmHg, consistent with malignant glaucoma. Atropine eye drops and a YAG laser anterior hyaloidotomy were performed, resulting in an IOP reduction to 34 mmHg. On day X+1, deepening of the anterior chamber and normalization of IOP(12 mmHg)were observed, but choroidal hemorrhage was detected. Due to sustained low IOP(4-7 mmHg)from X+2 days onwards, scleral flap revision was performed on day X+14, which ameliorated choroidal hemorrhage but revealed vitreous hemorrhage. On day X+66, transscleral choroidal effusion drainage and vitrectomy were performed. As IOP remained elevated(in the 20 mmHg range)following surgery, trabeculectomy was undertaken on day X+85. Subsequently, the patient had an uneven recovery, achieving a corrected visual acuity of 0.4 and maintaining IOP within 12-14 mmHg.

Conclusion:Emergency presentations during nighttime hours may limit the comprehensive assessment of a patient's systemic status. In individuals with end-stage renal disease, administering systemic hypotensive medications may be challenging. Therefore, it is crucial to remain vigilant for significant IOP discrepancies before and after surgical intervention for malignant glaucoma. Close monitoring for postoperative choroidal hemorrhage is imperative, given the potential for abrupt changes in IOP.

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電子版ISSN 1882-1308 印刷版ISSN 0370-5579 医学書院


